Thursday, May 10, 2012

Coffee, cleaning, teething, math...

So, this first post of mine might sum me up fairly well. My two middle daughters, almost 8 and 6 years old, told a friend that they don't do school, "we wait for the baby to cry and then sneak off, because then Mom will forget". That one might be true sometimes. The almost 8 year old asked me why i think it's ok to " sleep alllll the time". This, i can tell you without a shadow of a doubt, is not true. My almost 17 month old views NOT sleeping as a sport she would like to perfect, and most nights (days?!), i am just getting to sleep around 4:30am, and she will do a 3 hour stretch for me. Today, angels sang, as she slept 4 hours in a row! I woke up at 9:30, to the sounds of Just Dance and someone riding (ok, crashing) the baby's ride-on Mickey Mouse train into things.

But we did get school done, regardless of what the middle girls will tell people. My oldest are in 4th and 5th grade, and i will tell you i LOATHE the math. Throw almost anything else at me, i'm golden...math? No  dice. I start to sweat, and say ridiculous things ("i'm gonna find whoever invented math and punch them in the face!!!"....really? yup. I have said that.), and just generally whine until it's over. My 11 year old daughter and almost 10 year old son, sit there patiently waiting for me to calm down and stop throwing fits. Or they laugh. It's true.

On a daily basis i'm in the midst of cleaning, throwing things away when no one is looking, day-dreaming about public school (just kidding...ish), paying bills late (ok, VERY late), feeling like a zombie, worrying about not being a good Mommy or teacher, thinking about curriculum for the Fall, wondering if i am going too far if i buy myself a new broom off of, and trying to make a few more meals out of what we have in the fridge because i don't want to shop before the weekend.

Most days i feel like a hot mess...But i'd like to think i'm eccentric, quirky, and endearing - you know, like crazy women in movies always seem. Anyway, this is me. Coffee breath, laundry in the washer that i ran for the 5th time because i keep forgetting about it, and fingernails (and skin) painted by a 6 year old. Welcome to my life:)


  1. You ARE eccentric, quirky, and endearing, and that's why you are loved. <3

  2. this needs a like button :)
