Wednesday, October 10, 2012

She's HERE!!!

                                                 WELCOME TO THE WORLD!!!
                                           On October 9th, Mirabella Daisy arrived.
                                                   6lbs 15oz & 19 1/2 inches long.
                                     And perfect, miraculous, and amazing in every way.
                                          Congratulations to the Francisco Family!!!

“Mother, oh mother, come shake out your cloth!

Empty the dustpan, poison the moth,

Hang out the washing and butter the bread,

Sew on a button and make up a bed.

Where is the mother whose house is so shocking?

She’s up in the nursery, blissfully rocking!

Oh, I’ve grown as shiftless as Little Boy Blue

(Lullaby, rockaby, lullaby loo).

Dishes are waiting and bills are past due

(Pat- a- cake, darling and peek, peekaboo).

The shopping’s not done and there’s nothing for stew

And out in the yard and there’s a hullabaloo

But I’m playing Kanga and this is my Roo.

Look! Aren’t her eyes the most wonderful hue?

(Lullaby, rockaby, lullaby loo).

Oh, cleaning and scrubbing will wait till tomorrow,

But children grow up, as I’ve learned to my sorrow.

So quiet down, cobwebs. Dust go to sleep.

I’m rocking my baby. Babies don’t keep.”

~Taken from “Song for a Fifth Child” by Ruth Hulburt Hamilton

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Some days you just have to eat candy pumpkins...

Some days are tear worthy.  These days require candy pumpkins.  

Not because my 10 year-old son found a hair in his lemonade.

Not because it's challenging when you're 38 weeks pregnant to get comfortable and sleep at night.

Not because after today's examination the midwife said that my cervix seems to feel as if I never had a baby before- even though this will be my fourth child, and I am "due" in a week and a half. 

Not because my ninja son refused to take a nap today. (Good thing he's cute. ;)  )

Not because you're teaching 5th grade, 8th grade, and preschool throughout the day and running your kids to and from all of their activities. 

Not because the book I'm reading makes me cry, so I don't want to read it. 

Not because there is still much to do before the baby arrives.  Business stuff, school stuff, house stuff, etc... 

Not because the presidential debate is on tonight and- well, I don't even want to get into that- but let's just say that both candidates upset me from time to time. One less than the other.  And, the media just makes me angry.  So, I really don't want to watch it.  It will make me upset and tears could follow.

Not because it's ridiculously humid for this time of year! 

Not because of the dreary, rainy week it's been.

Not because reading sweet picture books to my four-year-old makes me cry.

Not because being on hold on the phone while trying to accomplish necessary things makes you angry. And cry.

Not because I am so blessed beyond measure with an awesome family and Lord-willing another little girl to love in the near future, so I can't keep myself from crying. (because I am indeed blessed beyond measure!)

Sometimes you just cry, and there are no answers.  Except that your hormones are acting up.  

The logical part of you tries to tell the hormonal part of you that it is only the pregnancy.  The hormones will improve. Eventually... 

But, then you remember that the hormones won't improve for weeks to months after the baby has made her entrance, so you are ignoring the logical part of yourself for now!!

You end up avoiding phone calls, because you MIGHT cry for no reason at all.  And, you wouldn't want to upset someone on the other end.  Because there really is nothing wrong.  It really is just hormones. 

So you just end up eating candy pumpkins on these days, because there's nothing actually "wrong." (Truly, there isn't!)  You try to ignore the fact that your four-year-old ninja son is OBSESSED with these same candy pumpkins.  And, he MIGHT from time to time have a tantrum because he "needs" them.  And, you MIGHT now begin to understand and actually relate to his "need" and MIGHT throw your own tantrum for candy pumpkins. 

Even if it is 8 o'clock in the morning. 

Even though there REALLY is nothing wrong.  

Thank God for candy pumpkins.


Um...maybe it's just the year of "not feeling it".

Oooh surprise, surprise. Sue isn't feeling it. Sue is also referring to herself in the third person. Guess what ELSE. Sue just ate 4 Amoroso rolls, then took Excedrin Tension Headache with coffee. 

I don't feel like homeschooling anymore.

Kids all talking to me at once is making me feel insane.

I can't make it through a day - much less a week - eating healthy.

I haven't started running again OR doing workouts yet.

My house is trashed. Like hair balls, actual TRASH squished into couch seats, donuts ON THE FLOOR, boxes of crayons dumped down the heating vents, you need a HAZMAT suit to go to the bathroom type trashed.

Just (ok, not just, 3 & 1/2 DAYS AGO) got back from vacation, husband just went back to work today, haven't grocery shopped yet, only have weird stuff (hence the rolls), but i don't want to go because it's so overwhelming that i tear up.

Sports, Church stuff, life in general with 5 kids. It's just wow some days. Where all you can think is how you need to up and move. Because somehow that would help? Life would just find us in Georgia. But at least the cute accents might make it easier to handle.

Toddler got a pen. Do i need to say more? Maybe she can open a semi-permanent Tattoo parlor for toddlers and make some money.

I was so excited for Fall, but now it's like 800 degrees and humid.

Because i was sick the week before vacation, there was one day of school accomplished. Then, a week off for Disney. Then, husband had off. I think it is common knowledge that if Daddy is home, school is a bust. Haven't started yet. Don't know if i'm gonna. Is there even a POINT when you are going to get one good day in? Because it's after 1pm now, we have to go to Walmart, and i'm not doing it when we get home. That leaves tomorrow. I don't DO school on coop days. NO. 

Still haven't fully unpacked.

Mail wasn't delivered yet that was on hold, so i can't pay bills.

And we are out of checks.

Between families, we have FIVE BIRTHDAY PARTIES this weekend. I cannot even put into words the way i feel about this.
Well, i could, but it would cause problems. Because i have GREAT words for it.

I have SO much to be thankful for, i know that. I KNOW IT. But today, it's overwhelming. The responsibility of being a wife and mom is daunting, and i'm not handing it well. It will pass, and i'm not going crazy, and i swear if anyone just stops by to check on me, i will throw eggs at you. Scratch that, jelly beans. We have no eggs. 

This is a wretched post, but i figured what the heck...i'm overwhelmed, maybe someone else is overwhelmed and would like to know they are not alone. My goals for today are now to grocery shop and get out of pajamas. Or maybe not, because we ARE going to Walmart, after all. 

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Better Than a Jab in the Eye with a Sharp Stick

You know you've said it.  At the very least thought it.  You can't count the number of times you've had somebody tell you:

Children are a blessing from God.

However, even though yes, I do believe this, let's be real.  Some days it does seem like children are more of a suffering-because-it's-good-for-you blessing.

Here is a prime example.  This is not a random, kids-having-fun-and-playing mess.  This, right in the major traffic lane of my dining room, is a deliberate staging of what is supposed to be an I Spy picture.  All of those things were taken out of where they are supposed to be and put right where people walk ON PURPOSE.  Packets of jam that we HAD to bring home from a diner even though I make homemade jam that is a zillion times yummier and healthier than that stuff.  One, just ONE, flip flop.  The creative child even ripped off the lid of my box of cornstarch just for this project!  My heart rate increases with the stress of just remembering.  By the way, for those of you who are thinking "this isn't that bad, that's a clean day at my house", the above picture was one of the neater areas of the house.  The rest of the house was normal "kids have been playing here.  REALLY hard."

It was one of those days.  Those days where words to describe those days fail me.  A day where I discover a budding carpenter has happily entertained himself for a couple of hours by digging holes in the living room walls with a screwdriver.  A day where a budding scientist has decided to figure out how the vacuum cleaner works by removing all of the screws he can reach with a screwdriver.  A day where a budding artist coated an arm chair and a door with Vaseline.

There are times when my children grab my heart with both hands and bathe it in love.  My 4yo tells me that he loves me so much he wants to snuggle with me for always.  My 7yo tells me I am the best mama in the whole world when I impress him with some amazing culinary delight.  (Like allowing him to open a can of pineapple.)  My 10yo notices when I do my hair differently or dress up nicely and tells me how nice I look.  My daughter kisses me goodnight and tells me that she loves me.  I truly feel blessed beyond measure.  How could God trust *me* with these amazing gifts??

But this morning I did not even get my eyes open before I knew that today was going to be one of those days.  Dimly in my sleep I heard the sound of pounding feet and giggles.  Giggles that kept getting ssshhh-ed.  I thought maybe the water was running in the bathroom sink??  And then I heard one of my boys yell "Look at this water bomb!"  My eyes flew open then, but before I could get untangled from the covers, I heard my 4yo yell "Look how high I am!!! . . . Ummmm, somebody come help me . . . a little help here . . . I'm gonna fall, somebody come get me."  And then a supposedly-more-responsible-child calling back from a different room "Just a minute!  I'm busy."

Yes, wading through inches of water to pull a naked somebody down off the top of the bathroom closet door (????), I realized it.  Today was not going to be a day where being a parent made my heart overflow with love and gratitude.  Today was going to be one of those days where being a parent made me think of my college girlfriend quoting her Grandma:

It's better than a jab in the eye with a sharp stick.

It might not get cross-stitched onto any samplers.  But at least I have hope that tomorrow will be a little bit better.
